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.... are happy to present : The "Hainaut en dentelle" (Sebourg on September 21, 2003)

On September 21 were the days of the inheritance in all France, and naturally in Sebourg too.
But in Sebourg, a characteristic: there was, of course, the monuments to be visited but also my first exposure entitled "Hainaut en dentelle".

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The General-purpose room of Sebourg

For this first demonstration lacemaker of my village, I tried to gather all the clubs dentelliers located at the neighbourhoods of Sebourg. At the request of the Tourist office of Sebourg, I could organize this meeting with the assistance of my husband. Being given that we were extremely occupied by the ones and the others we forgot our Internet site, so that the photographs were made very quickly before the demonstration closure. As known as the proverb it is the shoe-maker who is always most badly fitted.....

But let us see the course of the day rather: opening to the public at 10 a.m., there were many visitors all the morning, then the inauguration at midday, organized by Mr Lenski, President of the Tourist office of Sebourg and the Valley of Aunelle.

Before the speeches of use, I had the honor to make discover the various stands with the official ones: Here on the left Mr. Thiémé and on the right Mr. Delmotte at whom I offered the blazon of Sebourg in testimony of my recognition to have placed at the disposal the pretty general-purpose room.

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M.Thiémé vice-president of the Regional Council of North Mr Delmotte, mayor of Sebourg

After the speech of M.Lenski, I thank all the official ones for their visit: M.Thiémé vice-president of the Regional Council of North, vice M.Huart chair of Valenciennes Métropole, Mr Delmotte mayor of Sebourg, M.Dehon former mayor of Sebourg, but also all the people come closely or by far to spend this day together: Rheims, Ath, Lille, Paris, Tournai, Brussels and even of Germany with the presence of Elke Schmidt vice president of the Association of Deutscher Klöppelverband e.V..

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With my line, Mr. Lenski, on my left Mr. Thiémé and Mr. Dehon.

It is with a great pleasure that I accomodated all the people interested by our exposure.

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