The international festival of lace and embroidery of Creully (12 and 13juillet 2003)

Creully, town of 1500 peoples is edified on a calcareous plate which dominates right bank of Seulles. Its origin is very old since one finds cut a flint layer there dating from the Neolithic era.

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Haymon Dentu or Hardy inherits Creully and makes build the castle about 1035. In 1682, Antoine V covered of debts sold the castle in Colbert, whose son, marquis de Seignelay, made set up the county field. His descendants preserved the jointly-held property until 1768 when it gave to the duchess of Montmorency-Luxembourg. The revolution dispossessed some. The castle of Creully was bought by the commune in 1946.

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La tour carrée, la terrasse arrière et son panorama.

In 1944, the Montgomery General establishes his headquarters in the castle. It is since this square tower that the war correspondents diffused in the whole world the news on the waves of the BBC. The museum of the radio holds place to with it now.

The international meeting of Creully, organized by Association Laces and Fair Caen and Courseulles proceeded July the 12, and 13 2003. Many activities were proposed until July 16. But we will discover all that a little further

To start, as with the practice, the inauguration with the many official ones. Those traversed the various stands (more than 50 of 7 different countries) with much from interest, guided by Claudette and Michel Bouvot, before being found in outside by a splendid weather for the opening speeches and to taste local aperitifs (cider and Norman kir).

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Le maire et son épouse vivement intéressés par le stand de Rosanna

Michel Bouvot avec de droite à gauche : M. Leparquier - Conseiller Général, M. Boisseau - Député, M le Maire de saint Honorine du Fay et son Adjoint.


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