REUS: Diara de Puntaires (in June 3, 2001) - SPAIN

This report is proposed to you by Marie-Jeanne Houdin

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Three in June, 2001, the Catalan Association of the Lacemakers organized to REUS (near Tarragone) its annual assembling.
This demonstration, unique in Europe, grouped included several thousand lacemakers. Sat side by side, this " puntaires " was collected under their respective pennants. Near, numerous stands offered to the glance émmerveillé walkers, material and lace bosses. To the museum an exhibition of old picture postcards completed this day dedicated to a common passion: The Lace.

Having worked to dentellier of REUS Having worked to dentellier of REUS
Symbiosis among lacemakers and walkers in the shade of paths


Having walked to dentellier of REUS: the professions

In the foreground, the cylindrical Catalan professions were held vertically

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