Bermerain (in September 8 and 9, 2001)

On September 8 and 9 took place the 3Ème Lace exhibition and Bermerain's embroidery. Having honoured our grandmothers lacemakers, M Patrick Teinte, Mayor of Bermerain, us comta a very beautiful legend:

There is very for a long time, as it is said, a beautiful very loving lady looked forward her young left husband to war towards the seas of East.
    In a letter which should be the last one, her beloved slid an alga dried in the nervures magnificently fine.
    The inconsolable lady to have lost her lover in the distant lands looked constantly at this fragile object which threatened every day with advantage to crumble off.
    To keep for ever this last recollection of her husband, she had the idea to reproduce him in linen son and is as well as appeared the lace hundreds of different specimens of which one knows, in the course of linen, of wool, of hemp or today some silk time.

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M Patrick Teinte did not forget to quote célébres regions by their laces: Puy in Velay, Normandy by the laces of Alençon and Caen, and naturally, our department, the North, with Calais, Valenciennes, Caudry and Bailleul. To the left of this photo, M André Meunier, of Bermerain also, organizer of this pleasant demonstration.


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