The results of the competition of Arras's beautiful Arts

On June 10, 2001 taken place the 180 ème Scéance Solanelle of Arras's academy.

More than 300 participants had deposited their works to participate in the competition of the Acadamie des Sciences, Letters and Arras's arts, prize list 2001.

For our part, we shall be interested mainly in the part "Fine art", there where the lace appeared.

254 works were deposited in this category (painting, sculpture, photography, stained glass, lace). Parmis these 254 works, 147 were selectionnées for the exhibition to Arras's museum.

The members of the academy of the beautiful arts The public

The members of Arras's academy during the pricegiving

The public in the room of the holiday of Hotel of city of Arras

On the whole 80 works were rewarded by a "Honorable" mention. Only 35 medals were attributed (vermeil, silver and bronze).

Nine lacemakers participated in this competition. Here are the results:

Award a medal To vermeil Award a medal To money(silver) Award a medal To bronze
Elisabeth DEJONGHE Rosanna ORGIU

The museum being closed at 18. 00, I was not able to set of photo of the works.

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