The museum of Vila do Conde (Portugal)

Installed in 1991 in a typical urban manor of the XVII century, the museum of lace to the spindles of Vila do Conde sticks, for a certain time, being studied of the history of this secular art and develops simultaneously projects aiming its revival to the 21st century.
Beautiful lace explaires, drawings, spindles and cushions form part of the collection of the museum.

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The presence of the lacemakers in a very enlightened corner, showing to the visitors with ability Art to weave lace well, constitutes the major enchantment and the first reason for interest of the single museum of lace to the spindles existing in Portugal.
It is surely since XVI century that ua Portugal, country of sailors, fishermen and manufacturers the bâteaux one, that was strongly established the manufacture of laces with the spindles with Vila do Conde.
The origin could not be established, but it is known that in XVI century Vila do Conde was one of most important Portuguese ports the. Laces with the spindles were problablement brought by sailors and tradesmen who maintained relationship close with the north of Spain and Flandres. Laces with the spindles became an important economic activity about 1616.
With the creation of the Lace School in 1919, new drawings are introduced, they call upon marine reasons and stylized flowers.
The technique of execution is sophisticated allowing a new rise lace with the spindles. Meanwhile, of new ways opened, while preserving the past, using new materials, in particular in the field of the mode, also the future of this secular Art of work to the spindles is assured.
Mr. Antonio Ponte, directing Museum of Vila do Conde.

The school gathers a great number of children from 4 to 18 years. The day of our visit, the children did not work but you can see what that gives on the photograph of left.

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One of the classrooms of lace


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